Rabu, 11 Mei 2011

How to earn money from blog websites | easy ways to get money from a blog website many ways to make money through blogging

One of the most frequent question I get is:

What hell do I get money from blogging? Blog I used Indonesian, can not get dollars?

The first question the answer is rather long. There are many ways to make money through blogging. Of course with the lawful and correct manner. Some articles Blogguebo perhaps could be the beginning to learn how to wash the money through your blog.

Please leaf through old archives and Blog Monetization Tips for Your Blog Monetization Series.

The second question is shorter answer: CAN.

Yes, you can get money (either dollars or rupiah) with Indonesian language blog.

Here are 13 Ways Pan Money With Blog In Indonesian Language that perhaps you can consider.

13 Ways Pan Money With Blog In Indonesian Language

1. Featured Ads PPC (Pay-Per-Click) Domestic
Currently there are at least five domestic PPC business in Indonesia, namely KlikSaya.com, kumpulblogger, PPCIndo, IndoFad and AdOnBanner. By becoming publisher domestic PPC programs, you can display ads in Indonesian language and get a commission (of course in dollars) if the ad is clicked by a visitor to your blog. You can use the links below if you want to register domestic PPC programs (do not worry, no my affiliate link in the link.)

Click here to register kumpulblogger
Click here to register kliksaya
Click here to register PPCIndo
Click here to register IndoFad
Click here to register AdOnBanner
Click here to register Biindit
Click here to register IdBlogNetwork

2. Featured Foreign PPC Ads (CPM-based only)
The second option is to display foreign-based PPC advertising impressions. With impression-based PPC ads on your blog (yes, Indonesian language blog can), you will get a commission based on the number of ad impressions seen by your visitors (not based on clicks visitors). More and more visitors to your blog, of course the larger the ad impressions that you get. Program-based foreign PPC CPM or impression you can get the information through a link AdTalks.com this.

3. Banner Displays Foreign Affiliate Program
There are so many affiliate programs that you can follow. For more details, please go to link your Blog Monetization: (3) Programs Paid-to-Affiliate. Although not the best way, displaying a banner sized 125x125 affiliate links on your blog Sponsors section could be an option Indonesian language blog monetization. If your blog visitors make a purchase through an affiliate banner link, you will get a commission.

4. Domestic Affiliate Program Banner Displays
In addition to foreign affiliate program, now also has many domestic affiliate programs you can use as a means to monetize your blog. In the same way - featuring domestic affiliate banner link - you have a chance to wash the money through your blog. A number of local managers have a web hosting affiliate program that you can follow and promote in your blog.

5. Write a Product Review Affiliate (with your affiliate text link)
One way to run an affiliate program (both foreign and domestic) through the blogs the most effective is to write a review about the affiliate product that you want to promote on your blog. It would be better if you already use and feel the benefits of the products you are promoting. Amazon.com affiliate program and Commission Junction has a lot of products that you can review. Select the appropriate product to the niche and the needs of the readers of your blog, write a review and if your blog readers to purchase products you recommend, you will get a commission.

6. Following Program Paid Review
Paid review program is another way of monetization blog in Indonesian language. As the name suggests, as a publisher of this program you are asked to write reviews of products or services (in English) and will get a commission on review that you wrote in your blog. Yes, the Indonesian language blog (for some programs such as SponsoredReviews.com paid review, ReviewMe, Blogsvertise, BuyBlogReviews.com) can register as a publisher paid review programs. Even if your blog has a link ranking, Alexa, Technorati and PR (Page Rank) is quite high, it is not likely you will get a substantial commission to a review article. Currently you can also sign up the first local program paid review in Indonesia, ReviewMu.com. For information on other paid review program please click on Your Blog Monetization: (1) Programs Paid-to-Review.

7. Displaying Google Adsense for Search
Constraints Indonesian language blog to display the Google Adsense program is the prohibition of Terms and Services Adsense to display Ads Unit, Link Referral Ads and Ads in addition to English language blog. However, you can still display units Adsense for Search on your blog. Use Google Custom Search Engine service (like the one on this blog) to get search results based on keywords and address of the site you want. Please also read the Tutorial Series Guide Register Google Adsense.

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4. "Terima Kasih Lagi . . . !!!"

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